πŸ“– Usage
Extra Self Hosting Configurations

Extra Configurations for Deploying Self-Hosted Sweep

This guide assumes you have already completed http://docs.sweep.dev/deployment/ (opens in a new tab) and have a working Sweep instance.

Using Azure for OpenAI

1. Go to your Azure deployment.

This can be found at https://oai.azure.com/portal (opens in a new tab) -> Chat(left tab) -> View Code(middle of the page)

You'll see something like the below:

Screenshot of how to deploy Sweep, an AI copilot, on Azure Open AI

2. Go to your Sweep deployment.

Edit your .env vim .env and fill in the following fields:

AZURE_API_KEY=<YOUR_KEY> # this can be found under "key" in the screenshot above
OPENAI_API_BASE=https://<YOUR_BASE_URL>.openai.azure.com/ # replace <YOUR_BASE_URL> with the url you see in the screenshot above
OPENAI_API_VERSION="2023-07-01-preview" # replace this with the latest if it's not 2023-07-01-preview
OPENAI_API_ENGINE_GPT35=YOUR_ENGINE_NAME # replace this for the models/engines you have access to
OPENAI_API_ENGINE_GPT4=YOUR_ENGINE_NAME # replace this for the models/engines you have access to
OPENAI_API_ENGINE_GPT4_32K=YOUR_ENGINE_NAME # replace this for the models/engines you have access to

3. Configure GPT3.5 or GPT4-32K

If you only have access to GPT3.5 on Azure(or on OpenAI) fill in the following field:


If you happen to have access to GPT4-32K, fill in the following field: